2023年11月29日 星期三

賽事亮點 (Event Highlights)

賽事亮點 (Event Highlights)

 Female World Cup Triple Crown Winner

Singaporean athlete Tay Kai Xin Ranice delivered an outstanding performance at the World Cup Tai Chi Championships, claiming the titles in Chen-style Tai Chi Chuan, Chen-style Tai Chi Sword, and Chen-style Tai Chi Fan. In the Chen-style Tai Chi Chuan event, Tay Kai Xin Ranice displayed graceful and flowing movements, demonstrating exquisite technique and exceptional artistry. Her movements were steady and fluid, filled with power and beauty, showcasing the full potential of her body's flexibility, continuity, and internal power, earning her resounding applause from the audience.

In the Chen-style Tai Chi Sword event, Tay Kai Xin Ranice once again showcased her exceptional swordsmanship. Her swordplay was elegant and precise, perfectly embodying the grace, finesse, and agility of Chen-style Tai Chi Sword. Throughout the competition, she maintained impeccable balance and stability, while also demonstrating focused intent and inner tranquility.

The Tai Chi Fan competition also exemplified the harmonious blend of movement and stillness, internal and external energies. Her movements were beautiful, flowing, and refined, showcasing both the lightness and agility of the fan and its soft, contrasting speeds. She is not only an exceptional athlete but also a talented artistic performer.

Push Hands Ultimate Challenge

In the Push Hands event at this World Cup Tai Chi Championships, Wang Zhaoyu, an athlete from Taipei's Yi-Jian Tai Chi, challenged Sidorov Vladimir from Russia, becoming a major highlight of the competition. Although Wang Zhaoyu weighed only 60 kilograms, he dared to face Sidorov Vladimir, the six-time European League Push Hands champion who weighed 30 kilograms more, in the championship final.

Throughout the competition, Wang Zhaoyu faced immense pressure from Sidorov Vladimir. Even after losing the first game and trailing in the second half, Wang Zhaoyu refused to be discouraged. In the final moments of the match, he emerged victorious with unwavering determination and unwavering spirit. This match not only showcased the exquisite techniques of Tai Chi but also thrilled the live audience. Wang Zhaoyu's performance embodies the essence of Tai Chi, becoming a classic moment in Tai Chi Push Hands history, and a testament to Tai Chi's spirit of overcoming the strong with the gentle and the small with the large. Wang Zhaoyu's account of his competition experience, "Push Hands Competition Participation Notes," will be published in its entirety in the next issue. Stay tuned! For those who want to get a sneak peek, visit the following website:



新加坡選手Tay Kai Xin Ranice在世界盃太極拳錦標賽上表現卓絕,榮獲陳氏太極拳、陳氏太極劍和陳氏太極扇三項冠軍。在陳氏太極拳項目中,Tay Kai Xin Ranice展現優雅而流暢的動作,精湛的技巧和極高的藝術水準。動作穩健流暢,充滿力與美,將身體的柔軟性、連貫性和內力的運用發揮得淋漓盡致,贏得觀眾的一致喝彩在陳氏太極劍項目中,Tay Kai Xin Ranice同樣展現出色的劍術功夫。劍法優雅而精準,將陳氏太極劍的優雅、精巧、靈活特色一一展現。在比賽過程中,時時保持著身體的平衡和穩定,也展現意念的集中和心靈的平靜。太極扇比賽同樣動靜兼修、內外兼顧,動作優美、流暢而精緻,既表現扇的輕盈靈活,又展現扇的柔和、快慢相間的運動特點。她不僅是一位優秀的運動員,也是一位優秀的藝術表演者。


在這次世界盃太極拳比賽的推手項目中,中華易簡太極拳選手王兆羽挑戰來自俄國的Sidorov Vladimir,成為比賽的一大亮點。雖然王兆羽體重只有六十公斤,但在冠軍決賽中,他越級挑戰比自己重30幾公斤的六屆歐洲聯賽推手冠軍Sidorov Vladimir

比賽過程中,王兆羽選手一路上都面臨Sidorov Vladimir的強大壓力。即使在輸掉比賽的第一局和第二半局處於落後的情況下,王兆羽並沒有氣餒。比賽的最後關頭,他以剛強的意志和堅韌的精神獲得冠軍。這場比賽他不僅展示了太極拳的精湛技術也讓現場觀眾激動不已。王兆羽以小搏大的表現,正是太極拳的精髓所在,也成為太極拳推手史上的經典畫面,見證了太極拳以柔克剛,以小博大的精神。王兆羽選手將這次的比賽經驗寫成了「推手賽參賽記」,將於下期全文刊出,敬請期待。如欲先睹為快者可先上網一窺究竟,網址如下:




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