2022年3月21日 星期一


吳榮輝 副理事長

Vice Chairman-- Ronghuei Wu


吳榮輝 副理事長 簡歷 Vice Chairman Wu Ronghui Resume

學 歷Education


Master of the Institute of Athletics and Coaching

Science at the National Taiwan Sports University

師 承 Tai Chi Chuan lineage

宋志堅 宗師 (自1986至2000年) 

Yang Chen-Fu → Cheng Man-Ching → Song Zhi-Jian → Wu Rong-Huei

(studied with Master Song from 1986 to 2000)

經 歷 Experience:


Vice President of National Tai Chi Chuan Association, NTCCA


Vice President of World Tai Chi Chuan Federation, WTCCF

*財團法人中華太極館 董事長

Chairperson, Chinese Tai Chi Institute

*中華民國太極拳總會 (中華國際太極拳聯盟總會) 裁判長 (2004-2022年) 

Chairperson of the Referee Committee of National Tai Chi Chuan Association and

World Tai Chi Chuan Federation (2004 to present)

NTCCA各種比賽的首席裁判 (2004年至今)

Head referee for all competitions the NTCCA (2004 to present)


CEO of Yijian Tai Chi Chuan Association


Tai Chi Chuan push hands coach at the Institute for the Blind of Taiwan 


Tai Chi Chuan push hands coach at the National Taipei University of Technology



Lecturer at two departments of National Taiwan Sports University:

(1) Department of Athletic Training and Health 

(2) Department of Adapted Physical Education 

國際教學經驗 Internationally



*阿根廷丘布特省 (Chubut)、德雷利鳥 (Trelew)






Coach of the Tai Chi Chuan groups at

1. Semarang City, Central Java, Indonesia

2. Paris, France

3. Thun, Switzerland

4. Wuppertal, Germany

5. NC and Washington DC, USA

6. Guang Zhou, Quanzhou China

7.Chubut, Argentina

8. Tokyo, Japan

9. Brussels, Belgium

10. London, UK

11. Austria

12. Zhuhai, Guangdong,


13. Amsterdam, the Netherlands

著 作 Publications :

1. 鄭子門下三位大師之推手技藝How Three Masters Taught Pushing Hands  Glimpses of Cheng Man-Ching’s Push Hands System (2020出版)

2. Supple Tai Chi Chuan Analysis, 2019 《鬆柔太極拳闡微》(2019出版)

3. 30 Years of Push Hands, 2016 《太極拳推手生涯三十年》 (2016出版) 

4. Supple Tai Chi Chuan, 2014 《鬆柔太極拳 Supple Tai Chi Chuan 》(2014出版) 

5. 25 Years of Push Hands, 2010 《太極拳推手二十五年》 (2010出版) 

6. Tai Chi Chuan for the Blind《盲人太極拳》 (2012出版) 

7. Technical Reports on Tai Chi Chuan Push Hands Techniques, 2004

《太極拳推手技術報告書》 (2004 Graduation Master Thesis,2004畢業碩士論 文) 

 比賽成績 Competition Results


Wu Rong-Huei and push hands competitions :

In a span of 12 years, 1989-2000, Wu RH won more than 20 championships in the following Tai Chi pushing hands competitions, all in the 60-65kg division except in 1999. In that year, he voluntarily signed up for division 7, 75-80kg, competing with people 4 divisions heavier than him. He won.


  1. 1989-1993, won five years in a row, National Zhongzheng Cup and Sanfeng Cup, division II

  2. 1994 won Zhonghua Cup International Tai Chi Chuan Championship, division III (60-65 kilograms)

  3. 1995 won Taiwan Games and Taiwan Governor’s Cup, division III (60-65 kilograms).

  4. 1996 won National Zhonghua Cup, division III (60-65 kilograms).

  5. 1997 won Taiwan Governor’s Cup, division III (60-65 kilograms).

  6. 1998 won Taiwan Games, division III (60-65 kilograms).

  7. 1999 won National Zhongzheng Cup, division VII (75-80 kilograms).

  8. 2000 won USA All-Taiji Championship, middle weight division ( 64-80 kilograms).



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