Glossary of Tai Chi Chuan Terms A-Z
ㄅ b | ㄆ p | ㄇ m | ㄈf | ㄉ d | ㄊ t | ㄋ n | ㄌ l | ㄍ g | ㄎ k |
ㄏ h | ㄐ j | ㄑ q | ㄒ x | ㄓ zh | ㄔ ch | ㄕ sh | ㄖ r | ㄗ z | ㄘ c |
ㄙ s | ㄚ a | ㄛ o | ㄜ e | ㄝ ye | ㄞ ai | ㄟ ei | ㄠ ao | ㄡ ou | ㄢ an |
ㄣ en | ㄤang | ㄥeng | ㄦ er | ㄧ(y)i | ㄨ(w)u | ㄩ yu |
規則︰ 1. i=不發音 2. y=字首 3. w=字首
特例︰ 1. ong 東 2. iong 雄 3. ui 輝 4. ing 英 5. iu 秋 6. qu 區
Zhan Dao斬刀 (Zhǎn Dāo): Broadsword
Zhān He 粘合: to bind; agglutination.
Zhuang 站樁 (zhàn zhuāng): Stake Standing; standing (like) a stake; standing like a
tree;Standing post, a Neigong practice in Taijiquan (Tai Chi); standing like a
mountain; A standing gong or exercise in which the practitioner stands
motionless in a particular posture to develop internal strength,used to develop
a coordinated strength of the whole body for martial purposes, often practiced by students of neijia (internal
kung fu), such as Xing Yi Quan, Bagua Zhang and Taiji Quan.
Zhan 展 (Zhăn):
to deploy; develop, highlight; expose.
Zhan 粘 (Zhān): to adhere, to
Zhang Gong 掌功 (Zhǎng
Gōng): the work of the Palms
Zhang Sanfeng 張三豐: Zhang Sanfeng (also spelled Zhang San Feng, Chang
San-Feng) refers to a legendary Chinese Taoist who many believe invented T'ai
chi ch'üan.
Zhang 掌: Palm
10. Zhaobao 趙堡: A village near Chenjiagou, origin of
Zhaobao style taijiquan.
11. Zhaquan查拳: a style of Chinese martial arts, which
belongs to external style in the wushu category. Chaquan features graceful
movements, acrobatic aerial maneuvers, and is a kind of changquan (長拳), or longfist.
12. Zhen Chuan 真傳: True
Transmission from a master to a disciple
13. Zhen Ren 真人: True Person
14. Zheng Manqing shi鄭曼青式: Also Ch’eng Man-ching shi; A variant of Yang
shi Taijiquan Taijiquan shih TCC but widely popular and distinctive enough to
be considered a separate system. Zheng Manqing was the first to popularize
Taijiquan in the West via his 37 Posture form, characterized by very soft and relaxed postures.
15. Zheng tan tui 正彈腿: Front snap kick
16. Zheng ti tui 正踢腿: Front stretch kick
17. Zheng tui 正腿: Front kick
18. Zheng-qi正氣: the truly
refined energy that protects the body.
19. Zhenjiu 針灸: Acupuncture-- Chinese system of medicine and healing by the
manipulation of needles on certain key points of the body, known as meridians.
20. Zhi Dang Chui指擋捶: The Punch
Pointing to the Groin; Punch
Toward the Crotch; Groin Punch;Punch Opponent's Groin; The Punch of Hitting Crotch
21. Zhi zhuan bu dong只轉不動 (Zhǐ zhuǎn bù dòn): Only
rotate don't move.
22. Zhong 中: Center
23. Zhong 重 (Zhòng): weight, pressure; heavy重, the homonym of 重Chóng
24. Zhong Dan Tian 中丹田: The middle elixir field located in the
solar-plexus region.
25. Zhong Ding中定 (Zhōng Dìng): Central
equilibrium; to keep balance or central stability, to fix the
26. Zhong guo中國: China. Lit. center kingdom
27. zhong- pan中盤: Middle
28. Zhong Yong中庸: Doctrine of the Mean, text of the Confucians; Philosophical concept of acting only to the
degree necessary, neither more nor less
29. Zhong Yun Shou中雲手: Middle
Cloud Hands
30. Zhong Zheng中正: Centred and
straight (though not necessarily upright) Central Equilibrium. Upright. Neutral. Balance. The body has to be upright and light
and nimble and agile. This all starts with maintaining Central Equilibrium through all movements.
31. Zhongjia 中架: Medium
frame taiji
32. Zhong-qi中氣: Literally central qi; Centralized Intrinsic
Energy located in the center of the internal organs and characterized by its
undeviating flow up and down the vertical axis of the upper and lower body.
33. Zhongyi 中醫: TCM - Traditional Chinese Medicine. It focusses on regulating Qi and includes therapies such as
acupuncture, herbalism, massage and Qi Gong.
34. Zhou Di Chui 肘底捶 (zhǒu dǐ chuí): Fist Under Elbow; Punch under
elbow; Fist Beneath Elbow; The Punch at Elbow's Bottom
35. Zhou Di Kan Chui 肘底看捶 (Zhŏu Dĭ Kàn Chuí): One fist under the elbow, one fist
visible; same as Zhou Di Chui
36. Zhou Lu 肘捋: Forearm diversion,also name of a pushing hands
37. Zhou 肘 (Zhŏu): the elbow.
38. Zhou 肘(Zhŏu): elbow
strike; The use of the forearm or elbow in defence or
offence, one of the Eight Energies.
39. Zhou 軸 (Zhóu): axle,
pivot, shaft, axle; roller.
40. Zhu 柱 (Zhù): column, pillar.
41. Zhuan Shen Bai Lian Jiao轉身擺蓮腳: Turn and Lotus Kick
42. Zhuan Shen Bai Lian 轉身擺蓮: Turn Body, Swinging Lotus Kick
43. Zhuan Shen bai she tu xin 轉身白蛇吐信 (Zhuǎn shēn bái shé tǔ xìn): Turn Body and White Snake Spits out Tongue
44. Zhuan Shen Ban Lan Chui 轉身搬攔捶: Turn Body, Deflect, Parry, and Punch
45. Zhuan Shen da lu 轉身大捋 (zhuǎn shēn dà lǚ): Turn
body for large roll back
46. Zhuan Shen Deng Jiao 轉身蹬腳 (Zhuǎn
shēn Dēng Jiăo):
Turn body, pedaling foot
47. Zhuan Shen huí chou轉身回抽 (zhuǎn shēn huí chōu): Turn
Round and Withdraw Sword
48. Zhuan Shen liang jiao xiangshang tī 轉身兩腳向上踢 (Zhuǎn
shēn, liǎng jiǎo xiàngshàng tī): Turn, kick
two feet upward
49. Zhuan Shen lǒu xī ǎo bù 轉身摟膝拗步 (zhuǎn shēn lǒu xī ǎo
bù): Turn Body Brush Knee Push Step
50. Zhuan Shen pai jiao 轉身拍腳 (zhuǎn shēn pāi jiǎo): Turn
body and slap foot
51. Zhuan Shen Pie Shen Chui 轉身撇身捶 (Zhuăn Shēn piē shēn chuí): Turn
Body and Chop with Fist
52. Zhuan Shen Pu Mian Zhang 轉身撲面掌 (Zhuăn Shēn Pū Miàn Zhăng): Turn body,
palm meets face; Turn Body Slap Face Palm;Turn Body Hit Face Palm
53. Zhuan Shen tuizhang 轉身推掌 (zhuǎn shēn tuīzhǎng): Turn body and push palm on both sides
54. Zhuan Shen Xia Ci轉身下刺 (zhuǎn shēn xià cìi): Turn body and stab down
55. Zhuan Shen xie dai 轉身斜带 (zhuǎn shēn xié dài): Turn
Round and Carry Sword
56. Zhuan Shen yong jiaogen tizhuan轉身用腳跟踢 (Zhuǎn
shēn, yòng jiǎogēn tīzhuan): Turn, kick
with heel
57. Zhuan Shen You Deng Jiao 轉身右蹬脚 (Zhuǎn
shēn yòu dēng jiǎo):Spin, Right Heel Kick; Turn Body and Heel Kick; Kick with
right heel
58. Zhuan Shen zuo deng jiao 轉身左蹬腳 (Zhuǎn shēn zuǒ dēng jiǎo): Turn Body and Left Heel Kick
59. Zhuan Yao 轉腰 (Zhuàn Yāo): turn
the waist; rotation of the waist.
60. Zhuan 轉 (Zhuàn): to
turn, to turn; tour; to walk.
61. Zhuang dong 轉動 (Zhuàn Dòng):
to turn (in a circle), to make turn.
62. Zhuang 樁 (Zhuāng): stake;
63. Zhuanzhu 專住:Concentration; In certain exercises the practice
of Qi Gong requires a concentration or rather a constant attention which is
focused on certain parts of the body.
64. Zi Shi 姿勢 (Zī Shì): position, attitude,
65. Zi Tai 姿態 (Zī Tài): posture, attitude.
66. Zi Yan Jiao Shui Quan紫燕攪水拳: Purple Swallow Stirs Water
67. Zi 姿(Zī) : posture, pose, appearance.
68. Zi 紫: Purple
69. Zongzhan 總站 (Zǒngzhàn): Grand Terminus
70. Zou Hua走化: Yield and Neutralize
71. Zou 走 (Zŏu): to go, to walk, to take off, to be mobile
72. Zu Gong 足弓 (Zú Gōng): the arch of the foot.
73. Zu Shi 祖師: Founding
teacher e.g. Chang San-feng.
74. Zu Xia You Gen足下有根: The
strength of the legs is the foundation of being able to receive energy from the
75. Zu 足 (Zú): foot; adj. sufficient; adv. at least.
76. Zuan Quan 鑽拳 (Zuān Quan): Drilling
Fist --from Xing Yi Quan's Five Fists
77. Zuan 鑽 (Zuān): Drilling,
Drill ; to bore or drive a hole in some object
78. Zuo Ca Jiao左擦腳 : Slapping the Left Foot ; Slap Left
Foot;Rub Left Foot;Brushing the Left Foot; Rub
with Left Foot
79. Zuo da hu shi左打虎式 (Zuǒ dǎ hǔ shì): Left
Strike Tiger
80. Zuo dao nian hou 左倒攆猴 (Zuǒ dào
niǎn hóu): Step Back and Repulse the Monkey, left
81. Zuo deng jiao左蹬腳 (Zuǒ dēng jiǎo): Left
Heel Kick
82. Zuo Deng Yi Gen 左蹬一跟: Left Heel
Kick; Turn Body and Kick; Kick with the Left Heel
83. Zuo Dun坐蹲: Squat Stance. The
squat stance is primarily used as a training device to build up the knees. To
begin, stand with feet spread shoulder width apart. Squat down until the thighs
are parallel to the ground and the back is straight.
84. Zuo Fen Jiao 右分脚: Toe Kick Left; Kick with Left Foot; Separation
Kick to the Left; Left Heel Kick ; Heel kick with left foot, a high fast kick
85. Zuo Fen Jiao左分腳 (zuǒ fèn jiǎo): Left
Separation Kick ; Separate legs (left)
86. Zuo fen jiao左打虎式Zuǒ dǎ hǔ shì: Left Strike Tiger
87. Zuo gong bu ci左弓步刺 (zuǒ gōng bù cì): Thrust in Left Bow Stance
88. Zuo gong bu lan左弓步攔 (zuǒ gōng bù lán): Parry in Left Bow Stance
89. Zuo jiao xiang qian ti左腳向前踢 (Zuǒ jiǎo xiàng qián tī): Left foot kicks up and forward
90. Zuo Jin Ji Du Li左金雞獨立 (Zuǒ jīn jī dú lì): Golden Rooster Stands on One
Leg, Left
91. Zuo Lan Que Wei 左攬雀尾 (zuǒ lǎn què wěi): Left
Grasp Sparrow's Tail(left), Grasp the Bird's Tail(left); Grasp the peacock's tail (left)
92. Zuo Lou Xi Ao Bu 左摟膝拗步 (Zuǒ lōu xī
ǎo bù): Brush Left Knee;Twist Step, Brush Left Knee, Right Palm Strike; Left
Brush Knee and Twist Step
93. Zuo pan 左盤: twisted leg
94. Zuo Pan Bu左盤步: Sitting on Crossed Legs Stance The sitting on
crossed legs stance is commonly used for forward movement. First, assume ma bu.
Second, turn the body and the right foot with heel 90 degrees clockwise while
pivoting on the left toe. The same can be done with the left side: turn the
body and the left foot with heel 90 degrees counterclockwise, and pivot on the
right foot on the toes.
95. Zuo Xia shi duli 左下勢獨立 (Zuǒ Xià shì dúlì): Left Lower Body and Stand on
One Leg
96. Zuo xu bu liao左虚步撩 (zuǒ xū bù liāo): Swing Up Sword in Left Empty
97. Zuo you cha jiao 左右擦腳: Left and Right Kick
98. Zuo you Dao juan gang 左右倒卷肱 (Zuǒyòu Dào juǎn gong): Reverse
Reeling Forearm
99. Zuo you Louxi Aobu 左右摟膝拗步 (Zuǒyòu Lōuxī Àobù): Brush
Knee and Step Forward, Brush Knee and Twist Step, LEFT and RIGHT
Zuo you
Yema Fenzong 左右野馬分鬃 (Zuǒyòu Yěmǎ Fēnzōng): Part
the Wild Horse's Mane, LEFT and RIGHT
Zuo Zhuan
Shen Dao Dui左轉身搗碓 (Zuo Zhuǎn
shēn Dao Zhui): Turn Left
and Buddha’s Warrior Attendant Pounds Mortar
Zuo Zhuan
Shen Deng Jiao 左轉身蹬腳 (Zuo Zhuǎn shēn Deng Jiao): Turn Left
and Kick With Left Heel
Zuo Zhuan
Shen Jin Bu Ji 左轉身進步擠: Turn Left and Step in to Squeeze
Zuo Zhuan
Shen Liu Feng Si Bi 左轉身如封四閉: Turn Left with Six Sealing and Four Closing
Zuo 坐: Sit
Zuo 做: Go, do, act, given as a command when beginning an exercise or
Zusanli 足三里: On the anterior lateral side of the leg, 3 cm below Dubi (ST 35), one finger breadth (middle finger) from the anterior crest of the tibia.