2022年3月23日 星期三

How Three Masters Taught Pushing Hands Three Glimpses of Cheng Man-Ching’s Push Hands System 鄭子門下三位大師之推手技藝

 How Three Masters Taught Pushing Hands 

Three Glimpses of Cheng Man-Ching’s Push Hands System





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FB粉絲專頁:鬆柔太極拳Supple Tai Chi

By Wu RH, Translated and compiled by Tang YY

About the Author

Wu Rong-Huei and the Tai Chi Chuan lineage : 

Yang Chen-Fu → Cheng Man-Ching → Song Zhi-Jian → Wu Rong-Huei

(studied with Master Song from 1986 to 2000)

In 2007, Wu Rong-Huei graduated from the Institute of Athletics and Coaching

Science at the National Taiwan Sports University. He has actively promoted

and taught Tai Chi Chuan locally, internationally and academically since 2000. 

He currently holds the following positions :

Locally and academically,

1.Three positions at the National Tai Chi Chuan Association, NTCCA, which is the

central governing body of Tai Chi Chuan in Taiwan.

(1) Vice President of National Tai Chi Chuan Association, NTCCA

(2) Chairperson of the Referee Committee of National Tai Chi Chuan Association

and World Tai Chi Chuan Federation

(3) Head referee for all competitions the NTCCA from 2004 to present

2. Vice President of World Tai Chi Chuan Federation

3. Chairperson, Chinese Tai Chi Institute

4. CEO of Yijian Tai Chi Chuan Association

5. Lecturer at two departments of National Taiwan Sports University:

(1) Department of Athletic Training and Health 

(2) Department of Adapted Physical Education  

6.Coach at these clubs

(1) Tai Chi Chuan push hands at the Institute for the Blind of Taiwan 

(2) Tai Chi Chuan push hands at the National Taipei University of Technology


Coach of the Tai Chi Chuan groups at

1.Semarang City, Central Java, Indonesia

2.Paris, France

3.Thun, Switzerland

4.Wuppertal, Germany

5.NC and Washington DC, USA

6.Guang Zhou, China

7.Chubut, Argentina

8.Tokyo, Japan

9.Brussels, Belgium

10. London, UK

11. Austria

12.Zhuhai, Guangdong, China

13.Amsterdam,The Netherlands

Wu Rong-Huei and push hands competitions :

In the span of 12 years, from 1989 to 2000, Wu Rong-Huei won more than 20 championships in the following Tai Chi push hands competitions, all in the 60-65kg division except the one in 1999. In that year, he voluntarily signed up for division 7 (75-80kg) competing with people 4 divisions heavier than him. He won the championship.

Publications :

1. How Three Masters Taught Pushing Hands --Three Glimpses of Cheng Man-

Ching’s Push Hands System 《鄭子門下三位大師之推手技藝》(2020出版)

2. Supple Tai Chi Chuan Analysis, 2019 《鬆柔太極拳闡微》(2019出版)

3. 30 Years of Push Hands, 2016 《太極拳推手生涯三十年》 (2016出版) 

4. Supple Tai Chi Chuan, 2014 《鬆柔太極拳 Supple Tai Chi Chuan 》(2014出版) 

5. 25 Years of Push Hands, 2010 《太極拳推手二十五年》 (2010出版) 

6. Tai Chi Chuan for the Blind《盲人太極拳》 (2012出版) 

7. Technical Reports on Tai Chi Chuan Push Hands Techniques, 2004《太極拳推手技

術報告書》 (2004畢業碩士論文) 


How Three Masters Taught Pushing Hands 

Three Glimpses of Cheng Man-Ching’s Push Hands System


The Author’s Foreword

I have compiled and interpreted the Tai Chi Chuan training methods of Masters Soong J. J. (Song Zhi-Jian)(宋志堅), Benjamin Pang Jeng Lo(羅邦禎), and Tao Ping-Siang(陶炳祥), pithy phrases they themselves used to teach, and a glossary in this volume. They are three accomplished disciples of Cheng Man-Ching (鄭曼青). Tang Y. Y. (湯耀洋) has worked alongside me and translated my work into English for this bilingual book. It is my sincere hope that the book may, on the one hand, help Tai Chi Chuan learners, wherever they may be, in their journey, and, on the other hand, lead other Tai chi Chuan practitioners to write about their own insights into Cheng Man-Ching’s wisdom.



Cheng Man-Ching used I-Ching to interpret “yin and yang supplement each other”

極拳需分「一陰一陽」之謂道,守勢為第一。譬如「一陽一陰」便成為「天地否 「地天泰 」,能守方可言攻,現在要求進步,必須從守方面著手,等於「水火既濟 」。

Cheng Man-Ching used the Hexagram Pi  「天地否 the Hexagram Tai「地天泰 and the Hexagram Ji Ji (「水火既濟 ), three guas in I-Ching, to lead learners into the realm of yin and yang supplementing each other.



「地天泰 」:上卦陰氣往下降,下卦陽氣往上升,陰陽二氣相互交合,為太極拳之道。

「水火既濟 」:陰不離陽,陽不離陰,陰陽二氣相輔相成,是太極拳聽勁、懂勁、階及神明的最佳訓練法,也是展現「以柔克剛」技藝最佳的途徑之一。


Cheng Man-Ching’s 12 Keywords for Tai Chi Chuan

If you ask what I have learned after 40 years of Tai Chi Chuan practice, I can answer in 12  words (吞天之氣。接地之力。壽人以柔。): Swallow qi from heaven, receive energy from the ground, and suppleness makes for longevity.

若問余四十年之心得。卻只有十二字。曰。吞天之氣。接地之力。壽人以柔。 《太極拳自修新法 鄭曼青著》

Master Cheng Man-Ching used I-Ching’s “heaven ()”, “ground ()”, and “people ()” and the changes between yin yao and yang yao to describe what he had learned after 40 years of Tai Chi Chuan practice.




Soong. J. J’s 12 Key Words for Tai Chi Chuan


1Keep head upright and neck relaxed to swallow qi from heaven


2There is root underfoot to receive energy from the ground 


3Body remains upright and relaxed, and then suppleness makes for longevity


Head upright and neck relaxed 頂正頸鬆Keeping the head upright and the neck relaxed is key to  swallow qi from heaven.

 Master Lo's famous saying "No Burn, No Earn"


The famous saying means if you can endure bitterness you will get the reward. 

In other words, only after the quadriceps have sufficiently borne the weight of your own body will they be able to grow in strength sufficient to support you and reward you with improved balance, which, by the way, is also the reward that post standing (站樁) offers to its practitioners.

"No Burn, No Earn"這句名言的意思是股四頭肌若能忍受身體重量的負荷,腿力才能獲得增長的回報,這也是傳統站樁的訓練方式。

Master Tao 's famous saying




 In his concise saying, Master Tao encapsulates the essence of TCC in ten Chinese characters: 放鬆,擺正,一條腿,一起動 (literally, relax, body upright, weight on one leg, and move as a coordinated whole).

  Relaxing, keeping the body upright, putting your weight on one leg are three important elements of good TCC. It would be easier to do the one without paying heed to the other two, but in good TCC, it is essential to do all three well at the same time and in a coordinated way. For example, in pushing hands, you are relaxed, upright, single weighted, and still you have spare energy to observe your opponent’s movements and intention and you are still able to nullify his attacks and control his center.



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