2022年4月1日 星期五



Glossary of Common Tai Chi Chuan Competition Terms

I. 比賽項目Events of competitions

1.     套路比賽form/ routine/ series of moves competitions

二十四式等太極拳24,(374264) Form Tai Chi Chuan/ Taijji Quan 

楊氏 Yang Style,陳氏 Chen Style 吳氏Wu Style孫式Sun Style,郝氏 Hao Style


2.     器械比賽 weapon/ apparatus competitions         

太極劍 Tai Chi Sword 太極刀 Tai Chi Broadsword 

太極扇 Tai Chi Fan   太極棒  Tai Chi Stick,槍spear

cudgel,其他太極武器 Other Tai Chi Weapons


3.     推手比賽Push hands competitions

定步Dingbu (fixed steps),活步Huopu (moving steps) 

自由式 Free Style


4.     散手比賽Sanshou/ Sanda competition


II 比賽類型Types of competitions

1. 依名稱與性質分:

a. 錦標賽Championship八屆世界盃太極拳 The 8th World Cup Championship

    世界太極拳錦標賽The World  Taijiquan  Championships (WTJQC)The 2022  TCAA  Australian Open Tai Chi Championship

b. 錦標賽; 聯賽Tournament

    2021國際太極拳功夫線上錦標賽 2021 International Taiji Kungfu online Tournament Competition

c. 競賽Competition

    倫敦傳統太極拳競賽 London Competition for Traditional Tai Chi Chuan

d.   Cup

    世界盃太極拳錦標賽World Cup Tai Chi Chuan


e. 表演比賽 

 團體表演賽 group performance competition

   表演 demonstration


2. 依程序分:

      初賽 preliminary   複賽 playoff   淘汰賽elimination match  

      單淘汰賽 a single-elimination knockout, or sudden death

        tournament            決賽 final


3. 依賽員分:

      個人 individual 團體 group / team event 全能 all-round event

      單項 item


4. 分組Division/ Group 

      國小組Primary School Division  國中組 High School

      高中組 Senior High School        成人組 Adults Group 

      中年組 Middle-aged Group       壯年組 Senior Group 

        老年組 Elderly Group                長青組 Evergreen Group


III. 參賽員教練與裁判


1.賽員 contestant     2. 量級 weight classgrade

3.第一級 1st Class   4.第八級 8th Class    5.教練 coach  

6.領隊 leader         7.管理 manager         8.男性 male 

9.女性 female         10. 年齡和性別 age and gender


2.裁判委員會Jury Committee 

1.裁判長 Referee General / referee in chief/ chief referee   

 2.副裁判長Deputy Referee General / deputy referee in chief/         deputy chief referee/ assistant chief referee  

3.主任裁判 head judge         4.執行裁判員executive referee   

5.副執行裁判員deputy executive referee  

6.套路裁判 judge for routine 7.裁判 judge 

8.檢錄處 registration office    9.檢錄員 registrar 

10.檢錄長 head registrar      11.記錄員recorder 

12.記錄長head recorder       13.記錄處 recording office 

14.宣告員announcer            15.計時員time keeper 

16.記分員score keeper        17.套路檢查員checker


3. 其它工作人員及場地

 1.召集人tournament convener 2.賽事總監tournament director 

 3.賽事籌劃人員event organizing staff  4.總務general affairs 

 5.志工volunteer          6.接待員receptionist;引導 usher  

 7.公關public relation  8.秩序組 crowd control  

 9.安全組長safety director  

10.醫務組(人員) Medical Staff/ Medical Teammedical personnel  

11.醫務所 clinic           12.食物組 food services  

13.典獎組長trophy director  14.典獎組Award Team  

16.後勤logistics                    17.接待家庭 host family  

18.頒獎典禮awards ceremonies  19.媒體Media Services  

20.失物招領Lost & Found   21.安全 Security   

22.裁判區Jury Area  23.場地配置field dimensions and layout

24.比賽場地 Field of Play   25.廣播處 Public Address  

26.熱身區 Warm-up Area    27.準備區 Preparation Area  

28.得分板 scoreboard          29.練習場地 practice site/ area



1. 報名、報到、比賽

1.參加 participation       2.報名 entry      3.截止時間 deadline  

4.報到 check in/ arrival 5.裁判報到 arrival for judges  

6.秩序冊 competition program brochure 7.名單name list  

8.體重 weight                9.過磅 weigh-in 10.藥檢dope test  

11.抽樣 sample-taking  12.檢驗 test        13.抽籤 lot drawing  

14.點名 roll-call           15.棄權 forfeiture; withdrawal  

16.取消資格disqualif17.評分 rating/ scoring  

18.扣分標準 deduction criteria 19.記錄 record/ recording 

20.時間限制 time limit 21.碼表 timepiece 


2. 套路、器械比賽

1.服裝(器械)檢查check the costumes and (apparatus)  

2.抱拳禮palm and fist salute 

3.向主任裁判行抱拳禮 greet the  head judge with palm and fist salute  

4. 抗議 lodging a protest/ protest 5.建議 advice  

6.起式 commencing move/starting move    

7.收式 finishing move 

8.重做 redo; re-performance 9.時間不符 time violation 

10.時間不足short of the required time 

11.時間超過over the required time 

12.宣布得分 announcement of gaining points 

13.應得分數the initial scores 14.實得分數 actual score  

15.扣分deduct points, deduction of points  

16.最後得分final score 

17.最高總分the highest total points 


 3. 推手比賽

1.回合rounds 2.三戰兩勝 the winner of two of the three rounds     wins the match  

3.藍帶教練 coach for the contestant with blue belt  

4.黃帶教練 coach for the contestant with yellow belt 

5.搭手 Put your hands in a neutral position  with backs of right        wrists touching. Left hands are placed on (not under) right            elbow of opponent

6.預備 ready  

7.用掤、捋、按轉三圈Use Peng, Lu and An to move youarms  together and circle three times. 

8.開始startbeginsetgo  9.停止 stop 10.暫停 timeout  

11.得一分 win one point 12.兩分 two points  

13.沒人得分 no scores  14.平手tie 15.腳抬起 foot raise

16.腳掉落比賽板 foot out of the board  17.動步foot fault  

18.倒地fall on the floor 

19.同時出圈simultaneously out of the circle/ ring/ bound  

20.同時倒地 simultaneously fall down on the floor  

21.相抱超過三秒 hug or hold each other for over 3 seconds   

22.踩線 tread/ tramp the line  

23.出圈 out of bound/ outside the ring  

24.棄賽give up the competition 25.倒地 take down 

26.抱摔hold and take down  27.受傷injured 28.犯規foul 

29.違規 violation/ commit violation  

30.故意耽誤比賽進行 Delay the progress of the competition on   purpose.  

31. 圈不交手 Move around without engaging each other

32.迴避對手 Evade opponent’s offense. 

33.攻擊對手胯、脖子或頭 Attack opponent’s crotch, neck or head. 

34.攻擊對手頭、膝  Attack  opponent by the head or knees. 

35.頭、膝攻擊對 Attack opponent with the head or knees.  

36.肘擊對手心臟腋下 Attack opponent’s heartarmpit with elbow joint

37.用腳踹、踢、跺、橫掃 Attack opponent by using foot to step, kick, stamp on or sweep over

38.抓腿或插腋下 Hold opponent’s legs, or thrust two hands into his armpit 

39.攻擊已倒下對手  Strike opponent who has already fallen down on the floor.  

40.言語或動作羞辱裁判或工作人員 Insult referees or working personnel with words or acts

41.不服裁判指示 Disobey referee’s command or signal

42.教練場外嘶吼擾亂比賽  Coach yelling outside the field in such a way as to affect the progress of the competition.   

43.技術犯規 technical foul  44.警告 warn, warning  

45.判罰 penalty   46.取消資格 disqualify  

47.優勢勝 “Yu Shih Sheng” ( Preponderant Victory )/ Advantage Win 

48.宣布比賽結果 announce/ declare the winner  

49.休息40秒  40-second break  

50.晉級到決賽 advance to the final  

51.落敗選手 defeated contestants  

52.敗部排名 lower final rankings


4.     比賽結果

排名 placing      頒獎 award  冠軍champion  金牌 gold medal

亞軍runner-up   銀牌 silver medal   季軍the third place 

銅牌bronze medal   第四名the fourth place





I)身形與身法 Body Position and Body Movement


1. 一般用語

頭 head  頸 neck  脊椎 spine  肩 shoulder  胸 chest  肘 elbow

腕 wrist  腰 waist   胯 crotch/ hips 臀 buttocks   膝蓋 knee 

腳踝 ankle  腳跟 heel   腳尖 toes   自然 natural 下巴 chin


2. 正面評價

1.沉肩垂肘Sinking shoulders and elbows down

2.立身中正Keep the body centered and upright. 

3.虛靈顶勁 The top of the head is pulled upwards as if suspended by a thread. 

4.頭正頸鬆Keep the head upright and the neck relaxed

5. 膀自然放鬆Keep shoulders natural and relaxed  

6.含胸Hollow the chest and relax the waist. 

7.收臀Tuck in the tailbone. 8.鬆胯Relax the groin; relax the hips

9.屈膝鬆胯 Bend the knees and relax the hips. 

10.supple, flexible, soft 

11.分虛實Distinguish the empty and the full ; distinguish solid 

    and empty stance.     


3. 負面評價

1.重心不明Center gravity not clear. 

2.立身不正,脊柱彎曲 Body not straight,Bending the spine.

3.仰頭 Head raised. 4.抬肩 Shoulders raised 

5.彎腰駝背Waist retracted, back humped/ waist and back bent.  

6.挺胸凹腹/ 未含胸 Breast protruded, belly concaved. / Absence   

   of caving the chest in

7.突腹翹臀Belly protruded and hips bent-up.  

8.扭腰擺臀 Waist and hips swinging.  

9.背部與背脊僵硬Back and backbone stiff.  

10.坐不穩 Straddle not firm.  

11.搖頭晃肩 Head and shoulders swinging. 

12.開合過度 Over-opening and closing.

13. 未收下巴 Chin not being tucked in

14. 身體傾斜到一邊 Leaning to one side

15. 未放鬆,緊繃 Absence of relaxation , Tightnes

16.  尾閭未收 Absence of tucked in coccyx

17. 張開嘴巴 Open mouth


(II)手形與手法Hand Forms and Hand Techniques


1. 一般用語

掌 palm  拳 fist   勾手 hook hand   劍訣 sword finger  

推掌 push palm 穿掌 thread palm   壓掌 press palm  

cloud hands/ wave hands   抱掌 hold-ball gesture 

架掌 over-head palm parry  掤 Peng/ ward off   捋 Lu/ roll back

Ji/ press   按 An/ push   Cai/ roll back    Lie/ twist  

肘 Zhou/ elbow   靠 Kao/ shoulder attack


2. 正面評價

1.美人掌 BLH/ beautiful lady hand 

2.身手一致The hands move in agreement with the body movement. 

3.兩手拳放鬆自然Both hands, whether in the form of fist, palm or bending, are relaxed and nature. 

4.握拳鬆柔Clench fingers loosely and softly into fist  

5.握拳掌指不過挺或過屈、過緊或鬆開The palm and fingers are neither straight nor bend, neither closed nor separated. 

6.腕背伸屈自然The back of the wrist extends naturally.


3. 負面評價

1.手臂過高 Arms raised too high 

2.掌指過度癱軟或僵硬 The palm and fingers either too soft or  too stiff while raising elbows and wrists. 

3.力點不在前臂 The center of gravity not placed on the forearms.

4.手臂過彎或過伸The arms over-bent or over-extended. 

5.夾腋Arms and armpits pressed. 

6.兩臂未擠圓Neither arms kept round. 

7.兩臂直推缺少圓弧The arms over-stretched without an arc 

8.手推過頭The hand pushed forward over the head. 

9.兩手立圓不相交, 運轉弧度過小While forming a circle, both hands not connected and the circle too small. 

10.手指過度鬆軟,或過度夾緊Fingers either too loosely or tightly clenched. 

11.指節凸出拳面 Knuckles sticking out of the surface of the fist.

12.拇指未壓於食指及中指第二指骨上 The thumb not  positioned between the forefinger and middle finger (not on the second knuckle of both fingers. ) 

13.腕關節過度彎曲 The joint of the wrist over bent 

14.勾掌時, 腕關節未放鬆 When doing the hook posture, the joint of the wrist is not relaxed

15.兩手未自然下垂 Neither hands  hanging down naturally. 

16.手指夾緊未放鬆The fingers are clenched, not relaxed. 

17.腕指緊繃僵硬 Both wrist and fingers tense and stiff.


III)步形與步法Ways of Stepping --Stances and Foot Work


1. 一般用語

馬步 horse-ride stance/ straddle   弓步 bow stance 弓箭步 lunge

虛步 empty stance  歇步 seated stance/ resting stance 

仆步 crouch stance  獨立步 one-leg stance   定勢 fixed posture

上步 step forward   進步 advance   跟步 follow-up step 

退步 step backward   侧行步 side step 

圓襠 round the crotch/ to install a bow in the legs


2. 正面評價

1.步隨身移The step changes in agreement with the body movements

2.馬步時,重心落在中心Body weight falling in the center of the straddle. 

3.圓襠屈膝Groin  round in shape, the knees being bent. 

4.膝尖未超過足尖The angle of the knees  not exceeding the tips of the feet.  

5.下盤穩健The lower part of the body steady and firm. 

6.落步準確輕盈Each stepping light and brisk. 

7.前進時膝關節及髖關節都能下沉The knee and thigh joints of the leg stepping forward are sinking.  

8.膝與地面垂直線未超過腳尖 In the vertical line of front leg, the angle of the knee not surpassing the tip of the feet. 

9.後腳微曲不用力The back leg slightly bent with ease.  

10.兩腳橫向寬度與肩同The width between two feet the same as that between two shoulders.


3. 負面評價

1.提腳過猛,落腳沉重The foot raised too forcefully, and 

   dropped too heavily. 

2.身體不平衡 The body not kept in balance.  

3.支撐腿彎曲不夠, 重心上升到身上 The foot gracing the body 

   not bent enough with the gravity on the body. 

4.腳底上翻The sole turned up. 

5.膝腰僵硬 Both the knees and waist stiff. 

6.腿支撐力不足,速度不均勻 The foot bracing the body not 

   powerful enough and the speed not even. 

7.膝蓋超過腳尖The knees surpassing the tips of the feet. 

8.臀部凸出 The buttocks projected. 

9.敞胯或夾檔The groin over-opened or over-closed. 

10.兩腳橫向寬度過開或不足 Feet widely separated or closely 

     together transversely 

11.虛實不分No distinction between solidness and emptiness 

12.後腳彎曲太過或僵直The back leg over-bent or too stiff. 

13.未能提檔 Anus not raised.  

14.彎腰突臀 Waist bent and hips protruded. 

15.曲蹲腳未能全曲 The squatting leg not fully bent.   

16.蹲腳膝蓋內彎 The squatting leg’s knee bent inward. 

17.側身腿腳尖內扣不足  The side-protruded leg’s foot tip not bent inward enough.  

18.腳跟或腳外緣離地The heel or the outer edge of the foot off floor. 

19.提腿過低The thigh of lifted leg too low. 

20.膝蓋高度未達標準The lifted knee not as high as it meets the standard. 

21.支撐腿明顯彎曲 The supporting leg bent apparently 

22.意念未專注腳尖或腳跟Mind not concentrated on the foot tip or heel 

23.踢腳高度不符標準. Kicking leg not raised as high as it meets the standard 

24.低頭彎腰 Head down and waist bent 

25.彎身仰首 Body bent up and head raised 

26.前臂前腿配合不當 Fore arm not moving in agreement with the lower leg 

27.擊拍不響 Make no sounds in patting the leg 

28.彎腰低頭The waist bent and the head lowered down 

29.外擺腿幅度不足 The leg not swinging as wide as it can meet the standard 

30.肩膀手臂僵硬 Both shoulders and arms stiff


IV)眼法Eye Movement


1. 一般用語

眼睛 eyes   眼力 eyesight   眼神  eye expression



2. 正面評價

1.眼平直 Eyes are flat.  

2.兩眼凝視前方自然延伸The eyes look straight, naturally extend and far away 

3.兩眼直視前手Eyes look at the front hand. 

4.眼由心領The eye is guided by the mind.   

5.眼觀六方The eyes see six directions

6.眼睛動作相隨The eyes follow the movement. 

7.眼手協調 Hand and eye coordinated. 

8.眼神生動Expression in the eyes vivacious.

9.神情與眼睛一致Expression matching the corresponding eye.


3. 負面評價

1.分心 distraction    2. 眼神呆滯無生氣Eyes dull and lethargic. 

3.眨眼過度Too much blinking of eyes. 

4.眼睛低下看腳或身體Eyes looking down at feet or the body  

5.眼睛旁視Eyes looking sideways.  6. 未能凝神 Loss of gaze




1.     一般用語

精神 spirit   速度 speed   風格 style   內容 substance  

結構 composition   布局 choreography  勁道 strength/ power  

協調 coordination/ harmony 


2.     正面評價

1.速度適中proper speed 2.勁道夠enough power 

3.協調性良好good coordination 4.精神好high spirit 

5.節奏適當 proper rhythm  6.符合風格stick to style  

7.速度均勻constant speed   

8.流程佈局卓越excellent choreography 

9.順暢smooth 10.circular 11.沉穩steady  

12.所有動作都很流暢穩定一致協調性良好 All moves are smooth, stable, consistent and well-coordinated.  

13.優秀的精神表現、速度、風格、內涵及動作wonderful spirit, speed, style, composition and movement  


     架構完整、佈局優越concentration in mind, high spirit, easy 

    manner, full substance, moderate speed, well-organization, and 

    fine choreography 15. 缺少整體一致性Absence of wholeness  

    in movement 


3. 負面評價

1.緊張僵硬 Tense and stiff.  2.鬆垮Loose and weak.  

3.動作轉換不流暢Transition from one move to another not natural. 

4.斷斷續續Showing disconnection.  

5.手腳不協調Hand and foot not coinciding. 身體與手腳不協調No coordination between the torso and limbs.  

6.眼神 頭與動作不搭調Eye work and head not in agreement with body movements.  

7.精神緊張tense/ strained  8.神態呆板torpid  

9.注意力不集中Mind not concentrated. 

10.精神萎靡不振 Spiritless  

11.忽快忽慢,動作不勻Movements sometimes fast, sometimes slow. 

12.速度過快Movements too fast. 

13.速度過慢Movements too slow.  14.風格錯誤Faults in style. 

15 時斷時續Movements on and off. 

16.未表現出柔和、圓活、緩慢、輕靈等Lack of softness, roundness, easiness and flexibility. 

17.轉換不順暢Transition not smooth. 

18.動作不均勻Movements not even. 

19.有點不符合標準Slightly not in accord with standard. 

20.單調缺少變化Monotonous and short of variation. 

21.同樣錯誤一直發生 Same fault is found repeatedly.


四. 簡易對話


1.     歡迎到台灣來 / 歡迎來參加比賽。Welcome to Taiwan/ the     competition.

2.     早安,有什麼需要幫忙的嗎? Good morning, Sir. May I help you?

3.     A: 真棒見到你。It’s really nice to see you.  B: 也很愉快能見到你,你看起來很棒。Lovely to see you too. You are looking great. A: 謝謝,你也是 Thanks. So are you.

4.     A: 旅程如何? How was your trip? B: 還不錯Not too bad. A: 喔!好,好。Oh, good/ oh, that’s good.

5.     A: 飛機有準時嗎?Was your plane on time? B: 有的Yes, it was.

6.     很好, 那飛行過程如何啊? That's good to hear. How was your flight?

7.     你昨天抵達嗎?Did you arrive yesterday?

8.     你何時抵達台灣?When did you arrive in Taiwan?/ land in Taiwan?

9.     我們很高興你能參加這次比賽。 We are pleased to welcome you to the competition.

10. 有來過台灣嗎?Have you ever been to Taiwan?

11.  這是你第一次到台北嗎?Is this your first time to Taipei?

12. 我們一直天氣都很好,但是今天下雨了。 We’ve had some  lovely weather herebut it is raining today.

13. 最近天氣有點熱但是這兩天過後就會開始涼爽了。 It has been a little bit hot recently, but we’re expecting cooler temperatures in the next day or so.

14. 你來這裡路還好找吧?Did you find your way here alright?/ Do you manage to get here OK?

15. 從旅館到這裡有碰到什麼困難嗎?Did you have any trouble getting here from your hotel?

16. 比賽後打算在台灣待多久嗎?How long are you staying in Taiwan after the competition?

17. 有時間到處逛逛嗎?Do you have any time to look around while you’re here?

18. 好的那我們現在最好趕快去報到Right, so maybe we’d better make our way to the registry office

19. 請到檢錄處。Please go to register first. 

20. 請先過磅。Please go to weight in first. 

21. 抱歉您再說一次嗎?Pardon? Would you say it again

22. 我要報到。I want to report my arrival/ I want to check in

23. 早安,你的名字是什麼?Good morning, what’s your name?

24. 我是彼得懷特來自美國 I’m Peter White from America.

25. 懷特先生,很高興見到你。Nice to meet you, Mr. White.

26. 你是哪一個美國隊員嗎?Are you a member of any American team? 

27. 你屬於哪一個隊伍?Which team do you belong to?

28. 能讓我看一看你的選手證嗎? Can you show me your player Id card

29. 我是xx的領隊。I am the team leader of ____ team.

30. 我是xx的隊員。I am a member of ____ team.

31. 在這個表單上填上你的姓名。Please fill your name in this register.

32. 你是參加哪種套路/器械的比賽呢?What form/ weapon competition do you participate in? 

33. 你有報名參加好幾種不同的比賽嗎?Do you apply for multiple categories?

34. 我如何查賽程表?How can I check the competition schedule?

35. A: 我哪裡可以拿到秩序冊?Where can I find the competition program brochure for the competition? B: 在袋子裡就有。 There is one inside the bag.

36. 比賽項目跟時間都可以在秩序冊裡面看到。The competition events, schedule and time can be reached from the competition program brochure.

37. 廁所就在那裡的角落。Restroom/ toilet is right there at the corner.

38. 這是我的榮幸! 我是在來幫忙的。My pleasure! I am here to help you.

39. 請跟我來。Please come with me.

40. 祝你好運!Good luck!

41. 祝你有好表現!I wish you the best.

42. 祝你得冠軍!Go for the gold.

43. 你可以在總務處拿到便當。You can get your meal/ boxed lunch at General Affairs Division.

44. 抱歉我的英文不好,我來請別人幫忙。Sorry, my English is not very good. I will ask others to help you.


(II) The Competition

1.     請跟我過去。Please go with me.

2.     裁判們, 請就坐。Judges, please get seated.

3.     裁判們, 請集合。Judges, please gather around.

4.     裁判門, 休息3分鐘。Judges, rest for 3 minutes.

5.     你的比賽場地是____號場地。Your field of play is at Field No. ____.

6.     你的比賽時間是_____. Your time of play is at _____.

7.     請等一下。Please wait a moment/ a minute.

8.     你是下一個/下下一個。You are the next. / the next but one.

9.     請來這邊。Please come here. 

10. 請站到一旁。Please stand aside.

11. XX號棄權/ 主動放棄。Number ____ gives up competition/ is a forfeit. 

12. XX號某某,請進。Number ____, ____, please come in.

13. 向前/向後/ 向左一點/ 向右一點Step forward/ backward/ leftward/ rightward.

14. 宣判結果/ 成績Results/ Scores announcement.

15. 實得分數是____The actual score is____

16. 由於時間不足/ 過多最後得分是____Due to under/ over the required time, the final score is ____


(III) 午間休息/ 其他 Lunch Break/ Others

1.     請到總務組領取餐盒。Please go to General Affairs Division to get your boxed lunch.

2.     A: 我要付多少錢呢?How much do I have to pay for a lunch box? B: 這是包括在你的報名費裡頭。It’s included in your registry fee.

3.     A: 哈羅, 你好嗎?Hello. How do you do? B: 很好!謝謝 I’m doing wellthank you / Fine, thank you. 

4.     你在哪裡學太極拳?Where do you learn Tai Chi Chuan? 

5.     你學的是哪一個套路?Which form do you learn

6.     你學太極拳多久了?How long have you learned Tai Chi Chuan?

7.     為什麼你要學太極拳?Why do you want to learn Tai Chi Chuan? 

8.     A: 你有從事過任何器械運動嗎? Have you ever done any kind of weaponsB: 我可以打劍/刀。I can play the sword/ the broadsword.

9.     你學過推手嗎? Have you ever learned push-hands?

10. 我必須承認我對推手了解很少。I must confess to knowing next to nothing of tai chi.


(IV) 比賽中During the Competition

1.     為什麼裁判吹了犯規?Why did the umpire call a foul? 

2.     這真是場精采絕倫的比賽啊雙方勢均力敵 This is a good game. It's evenly matched.

3.     這很難說。日本隊表現得也很棒啊。It’s hard to say. The Japanese team is also performing very well.

4.     這根本是令人難以置信的事啊。It was incredible.

5.     那就讓咱們拭目以待吧! Just wait and see.

6.     你也擅長器械嗎?Are you also good at weapons?

7.     讓我帶你去看醫護人員。Let me take you to see the medical staff.


(V)賽後 After the Competition

1.     你在場上的表現很傑出Your effort in the field was outstanding.

2.     你的努力終於得到回報。Your hard work has paid off.

3.     恭喜你贏得冠軍/ 亞軍/ 季軍/第四名。Congratulations on winning the hampionship/ second place/ third place/ fourth place.

4.     恭喜你得到金牌。Congrats for winning the gold medal.

5.     恭喜!你太棒了!祝福你以後能獲得更多太極拳的成就。Congratulations! You are stunning! Wishing you numerous more long stretches of accomplishment in Tai Chi Chuan!

6.     你應當對自己的表現感到高興!You ought to be pleased with yourself! 

7.     你在比賽上的表現相當棒。Your performance at the match was wonderful!

8.     以這樣的年紀你已經表現的出奇的好了。You have done surprisingly well at such an age.

9.     / 我們以你為榮。 I'm/We're proud of you.

10. /們對你的未來有信心。I/We believe in your future.

11. 令人印象深刻。That was impressive.

12. /們喜歡你的努力。I/We love your effort.

13. 那表現太棒了。That's a great job.

14. 我喜歡你處理困境的態度。 I love the way you responded to adversity there.

15. 不要洩氣,你已經表現的很好了。Don’t feel discouraged. You have done very well.

16. 別忘了去領獎。Don’t forget to accept the award/ get the prize.

17. 你有沒有人好領獎啊? Do you have anyone to accept the award?

18. 讓我帶你去領獎。Let me take you to get the prize.

19. 不要忘了賽後的晚會。Don’t forget the after-match party!

20. 你有參加過其他的世界錦標賽嗎?Have you ever participated in other international championships?

21. 你多常練習呢?How often do you practice?

22. 有沒有看過先前的世界盃?Have you ever watched the previous world cup?

23. 以前有沒有參加過這樣的世界盃?Have you ever attended to such kind of world cup competition?

24. 你想試試推手嗎?Would you like to try push hands?

25. 有沒有看過其他的武術比賽?Have you ever watched other martial arts competitions?

26. 你能談談我們如何讓像這樣的比賽更成功嗎?Can you speak a little about how we can make such a championship more successful?

27. 你們在台灣的哪些太極拳?What kind of Tai-Chi Chuan are you practicing in Taiwan ? 

28. 我們練習64374224式,還有其它各式各樣的。We are practicing  64, 37, 42, 24-form Tai-Chi Chuanand a variety of others. 

29. 太極學校都有教太極劍太極刀和氣功嗎?Do all Tai chi schools teach sword/ broadsword/ qigong?



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