2023年10月29日 星期日

William Nelson

                                        開幕 Opening Ceremony

 國際太極拳總會副理事長 William Nelson 致辭

Opening speech by William Nelson--

Vice Chairman of WTCCF

來自法國的中華太極拳國際聯盟總會副理事長,也是這次大會副會長William Nelson 表示疫情過後重返台灣,真是美好。他表示能與世界各地太極兄弟姐妹們再次相聚,實在是一件令人喜悅的事。他認為眼下正值世界的黑暗時期,世界多處地方發生戰爭、強國欺壓弱國,災難性氣候變遷帶來難以想像的苦難。




How good it is to be back in Taiwan, after the pandemic. How good it is to meet up again with my tai chi brothers and sisters. These are dark days. Wars, powerful nations trying to overcome weaker nations, catastrophic climate changes that are causing unimaginable suffering.


And yet here we all are, tai chi teams from all over the world. Are we competing against each other to win? If this is so for you, you have not understood even the basic principles  of tai chi.

We are not competing AGAINST BUT WITH EACH OTHER. You are testing yourself, in tui shou(pushing hands). To uproot, you must have knowledge of your partner. To have knowledge  of your partner you must have knowledge of yourself. When you have knowledge of yourself you can bring light into the world. So while you are competing. Find out a little more who you are.

For the foreigners who are visiting Taiwan for the first time. You will find a people generous, very kind and helpful, and who are open, and truly free.  Enjoy the games.




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