2022年1月10日 星期一


                                     Glossary of Tai Chi Chuan Terms A-Z

太極拳英文詞彙 A-Z

  B     D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M     

O  P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z










































 規則︰ 1. i=不發音  2. y=字首  3. w=字首

 特例︰ 1. ong             2. iong            3. ui              4. ing             5. iu              6. qu     


1.        Na zha tan hai哪吒探海: Na Zha explores the sea. ( Nezha, also known as Nuocha or Nata, is a divine warrior usually portrayed as a boy walking on two firing wheels.)

3.        Nan : South

4.        Nanquan 南拳 Nan Ch'uan: Southern Boxing; Southern school of Shaolin boxing.

5.        Naturalism :Zi Ran Zhu Yi自然主義--a Taoist concept the longevity and happiness are achieved by following the soft, yielding and constantly changing ways of nature.

6.        Needle at Sea Bottom: 海底針 (Hǎidǐ zhēn )

7.        Nei (nèi): Internal, referring to intrinsic power generated by the Qi or life force energy contained in the body. In the internal Martial Arts (Neijia), the use of Internal Strength is of utmost importance.

8.        Nei Chia Ch’uan 內家拳: A style of boxing, utilized in combat through the relaxed coordination of the legs and waist to bear on objects through contact made by the hands, arms, or other points on the upper body; a set of Chinese breathing, meditation and spiritual practice disciplines

9.        Nei Chia Ch’uan内家拳: Internal School(s) of Wushu; Internal Martial Arts School; Internal Family Boxing including such arts as Tai Chi Chuan, Ba Gua Zhang and Xing Yi Chuan.

10.    Nei Dan 内丹 (Nèi Dān) : internal cinnabar; internal alchemy which consists in exploring and experimenting in a systematic and in-depth way all the aspects of internal human experiences while keeping as ultimate goal the transmutation of internal substances (energy, tissues, emotions, consciousness) for the benefit of the individual.

11.    Nei Gong 內功(Nèi Gōng): Inner Work--the methods of breathing, meditation and spiritual practice associated with Taoism and Chinese martial arts; Internal training, sometimes synonymous with the term Qigong; General term for internal work on energy and vital organs; Same as Nei Kung; Internal Arts;Internal Family; Chinese martial arts, as opposed to the category known as Waigong 外功

12.    Nei Jin Zou Luo Xuan 内勁走螺旋 (nèi jìn zǒu luó xuán) : the internal energy travels along the path of a spiral

13.    Nei Wai Xiang He 內外相合: Harmony Between The Internal And External Parts

14.    Neijia (nèijiā): a term in Chinese martial arts, grouping those styles that practice neijing, which employs Neigong and Qigong exercisese eg. taijiquan, xing-yi quan, bagua zhang, liuhobafa

15.    Neijing內勁: Internal strength.

Nianjiao 碾腳 Rolling foot: When using the front part of the foot as the axis, swinging the heel is the Rolling foot

16.    Nì Chán逆纏 (nì chán): a global pronator rolling up of the arm; Reverse spiraling or twining of the body; opposing coiling

17.    Ni Gi Ma: Crossing stance or "lady's crossing stance" The back of the forward leg should touch the fromt of the other leg to brace oneself. Used to twist and as a setup for a kick.

18.    Ni Hao 你好: A greeting, literally “you good”

19.    Nian (Nián): sticky, glutinous, viscous;Sticking or adherence One of the five close quarter strategies training the concept of maintaining contact with opponent in order to control/apply technique. This also prevents the opponent from applying techniques to us.

20.    Nián Hú 黏糊 (Nián Hú): slow movement; gooey, glutinous.

21.    Nian Lian Tie Sui黏連貼隨: Adhere, connect, stick and follow

22.    Nian shou 黏手: Sticky hands

23.    No Arms In Taichi (NAIT):Tai Ji Bu Dong Shou太極不動手-- NAIT means that the arms are passive. As such, their movements are propelled not by the muscles in the arms but by the energy from (1) the movement of the waist or the leg, (2) the force from the opponent’s movements, or (3) natural forces, such as gravity, inertia, or ground reaction force.



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