Glossary of Tai Chi Chuan Terms A-Z
ㄅ b | ㄆ p | ㄇ m | ㄈf | ㄉ d | ㄊ t | ㄋ n | ㄌ l | ㄍ g | ㄎ k |
ㄏ h | ㄐ j | ㄑ q | ㄒ x | ㄓ zh | ㄔ ch | ㄕ sh | ㄖ r | ㄗ z | ㄘ c |
ㄙ s | ㄚ a | ㄛ o | ㄜ e | ㄝ ye | ㄞ ai | ㄟ ei | ㄠ ao | ㄡ ou | ㄢ an |
ㄣ en | ㄤang | ㄥeng | ㄦ er | ㄧ(y)i | ㄨ(w)u | ㄩ yu |
規則︰ 1. i=不發音 2. y=字首 3. w=字首
特例︰ 1. ong 東 2. iong 雄 3. ui 輝 4. ing 英 5. iu 秋 6. qu 區
brush knee, twist step: Xie Lou Xi Ao Bu 斜摟膝拗步 (Xié Lóu Xī
Ào Bù )
flying: Xie fei shi斜飛勢 (xié fēi shì)
Single Whip : Xie Dan Bian 斜單鞭 (Xié Dān Biān)
Open and
close hands: Kai he shou開合手 (kāi hé shǒu)
OPH or Open
Push Hands: Partner tai chi exercise/practice with free structure.
Body Position: Yuan Ti Wei原體位--Original Body Position(OBP) means that the
hands continuously follow the body movements. In other words, your hands
maintain the same position in relation to the body, moving with the body as a
fixed part of the body. The arms move with the body, maintaining the original
relative position.
Space Position: Yuan Kong Wei原空位--Original Space Position(OSP) means when
the body moves, the hand maintains the same position space. When the body
moves, the hand remains fixed in space. A point of the body, for example the
left hand, maintains its place in space,its original space position. In this
example the left hand does not move while other parts of the body move to a new
space. The same is true for the right hand or the middle finger or the elbow,
10. Pai shou 拍手: Slapping
11. Pai 派: School or
system School of thought/boxing
12. Pa-kua 八卦; Same as Ba Gua; Style of Kung Fu, based on
circular movements with open palm strikes. The practioner constantly changes
directions during an attack. Hence the art is sometimes known as
Eight-Directions Palm Boxing.
13. Pao chui炮捶 (Pào Chuí): Cannon fist. Another
name for the erh lu or second routine in Chen style taijiquan
14. Pao 炮 pao: Cannon
15. Parry and punch: Pie
shen chui 撇身捶 (piē shēn chuí)
16. Parry in Left Bow Stance: Zuo
gong bu lan左弓步攔 (zuǒ gōng bù lán)
17. Part the Wild Horse's Mane Left and Right: Zuoyou Yema Fenzong 左右野馬分鬃 (Zuǒyòu Yěmǎ Fēnzōng )
18. Parting the Wild Horse's Mane: Ye Ma Fen Zong, 野馬分鬃(Yěmǎ Fēnzōng)
19. Peng 掤 (péng): Ward Off; parry ; Upwardly directed
force e.g. To divert a push upwards; a feeling of expansion and as if trying to
push a buoyant object into the water; an upward circular movement, forward or
backward, yielding or offsetting usually with the arms to disrupt the
opponent's centre of gravity.
20. Peng 膨: Open/Expand/Full
21. Peng Jing (Peng Jin) 掤勁 : Ward Off
Power; expansive energy, like a balloon being inflated,
described as having the body/energetic quality of a raft floating on water.
22. Pi Dao 劈刀 (Pī Dāo): Broadsword Chop
23. Pi jia zi 披架子: Wearing a
24. Pi Pa 琵琶: Chinese
25. Pi Shen Chui 披身捶: Fist
Draping Over Body
26. Pi Shen Fu Hu 披身伏虎: Hand
Defense and Tame the Tiger
27. Pi Shen Tijiao 披身踢腳 (Pī Shēn Tī Jiǎo): Open
body and kick; Raise Body, Separate Arms, and Kick
28. Pi 劈 (Pī): To
chop,split,cleave, cut e.g. A cut with a sabre, can be applied from various
29. Pian chui 偏捶: Side punch
30. Pian ma 偏馬: Side horse stance
31. Pie Shen Chui 撇身捶 (Piē Shēn Chuí): Fists Draping
Over Body; Turn body, parry and punch; Hit and Drape Fist Over Body; Angled
Body Fist ; Chop Opponent with Fist ; The Punch of Draping Over Body
32. Pile standing: See Zhan zhuang 站樁 (Zhàn Zhuāng)
33. Pimian Zhang劈面掌: Thrust
forth the Palm of the Hand
34. Ping xin chui平心捶: Horizontal, Heart, Punch; Chest Level Punch
35. Ping平: peace,
harmony, tranquility, fairness; to appease, to repress; equalize, balance; adj.
flat, equal; quiet, peaceful, moderate.
36. Piqua Zhang劈掛掌: Splitting,
Deflecting Palm Style
37. Play the Pipa: 手揮琵琶 (Shǒu huī pípá)
38. Playing the Lute:Shou hui Pipa 手揮琵琶 (Shǒu hūi Pípā) Same
as Strum the Lute, Play Guitar
39. Plunge Sword Downward in Empty Stance: Xu bu xia jie虚步下截 (xū bù xià jié)
40. Point Sword in Right Empty Stance: Xu Bu Dian Jian虚步點劍(xū bù diǎn jiàn)
41. Point Sword with Feet Together: Bing bu dian jian併步點劍 Bìng bù
diǎn jiàn
42. Pounding the Ground: Ji Di Chui擊地捶
43. Po撥: Pushing away
44. Praying Mantis: Tang Lang Quan 螳螂拳--Style of
Kung Fu known in China. Wong Long invented the style after witnessing a fight
between a grasshopper and a praying mantis.
45. Preparation: 預備 (Yùbèi)
46. Press palm in empty stance: Tui Bu Ya Zhang退步壓掌
47. Press: Ji 擠 (Jǐ): The act of push, creating or maintaining pressure oftentimes in order to create
48. Protect-the-Heart Fist: Hu
Xing Quan 護心拳
49. Pu Bu Chuan Jian仆步穿劍 (pū bù chuān jiàn) : Thrust
Sword in Crouch.
50. Pu Bu Heng Sao 仆步横掃 (pū bù héng
sǎo) : Sweep Sword in Crouch
51. Pu bu 僕步: Crouch stance
52. pu tui 仆腿: stretching
53. Pu tuo Shan 普陀山: A Buddhist holy mountain of China in Zhejiang
Province. Lit. “universal top mountain”
54. Pumian zhang 撲面掌 (pūmiàn zhǎng): Slap
Face Palm; Rotate Body Away Body Punch; Slap Face Palm; Palm
Goes to Meet the Face
55. Punch the Groin: Zhi
Dang Chui 指擋捶
56. Punch under elbow: Zhou
Di Chui肘底捶
57. Push: An 按 (Àn)
58. Push Hands : Tui Shou 推手--A drill or game in Tai Chi that allows students
to practice their tai chi skills, energetics and movement against an opponent.
59. Push Needle to Sea Bottom: Hai Di Zhen 海底針