Glossary of Tai Chi Chuan Terms A-Z
ㄅ b | ㄆ p | ㄇ m | ㄈf | ㄉ d | ㄊ t | ㄋ n | ㄌ l | ㄍ g | ㄎ k |
ㄏ h | ㄐ j | ㄑ q | ㄒ x | ㄓ zh | ㄔ ch | ㄕ sh | ㄖ r | ㄗ z | ㄘ c |
ㄙ s | ㄚ a | ㄛ o | ㄜ e | ㄝ ye | ㄞ ai | ㄟ ei | ㄠ ao | ㄡ ou | ㄢ an |
ㄣ en | ㄤang | ㄥeng | ㄦ er | ㄧ(y)i | ㄨ(w)u | ㄩ yu |
規則︰ 1. i=不發音 2. y=字首 3. w=字首
特例︰ 1. ong 東 2. iong 雄 3. ui 輝 4. ing 英 5. iu 秋 6. qu 區
Xi Gai 膝盖 (Xī Gài): the knee.
Xi 西 (Xī): West
Xi 息: breath,
breathing; v. cease; to rest.
Xi 膝 (Xī): knee // In
Taiji Quan,the knee is loose but not loose. You should just bend your knees and
loosen your hips
Xia 下: Down, below
Xia Bu Kua
Hu下步跨虎: Stepping Backward into Riding Stance; Step Back to Ride Tiger; Crouch
Step to Stride Over the Tiger; Step Back
and Mount the Tiger
Xia Chui下垂 (Xià Chuí): subsidence.
Xia Dan
Tian 下丹田: lower elixir field is an area in the lower belly
(about an inch and a half below your bellow button) that can store your qi
energy and is focused on frequently in Qi Gong practice to help cultivate more
10. Xia pan gong下盤功: Lower body strength training
11. Xia shi 下勢 (Xià Shì) : Downward Posture (also known as)
12. Xia Yan Shou Chui 下掩手捶: Fist Cover Hand Downwards
13. Xia Yun Shou 下雲手: Lower Cloud Hands
14. Xian (Taoism) 仙(Xiān): a person or similar entity having a long life or
being immortal
15. Xian Dan 仙丹(Xiān Dān): elixir.
16. Xiàn 現: Revealing
17. Xiang Lian Bu Duan 相連不斷: Importance
Of Continuity; In taijiquan, one focuses the attention on the
mind instead of force, and the movements from the begenning to the end are
continuous and in an endless circle, just "like a river which flows on and
on without end" or "like reeling the silk thread off cocoons".
18. Xiang you向右平带 (xiàng yòu píng dài): Carry Sword to the Right
19. Xiang Zuo Ping Dai向左平带 (xiàng zuǒ píng dài): Carry
Sword to the Left
20. Xiao Qin Da小擒打: Small Grab and Hit; Small Catch and Hit ;Small Grasp and Hit; Small Catching and Hitting; Small Grab And Punch
21. Xiaojia 小架: 'Small frame' taijiquan
22. Xiao小: Small
23. Xie Bu Ban Lan Chui 歇步搬攔捶: Step back,
diverting and blocking punch
24. Xie Bu Qin Da 歇步擒打 (xiē bù qín dǎ): Grab
and punch in resting step
25. Xie bu 歇步: Cross stance or twist stance
26. Xie Dan Bian 斜單鞭 (Xié Dān Biān): Diagonal
Single Whip; Oblique Single Whip; Slant Single
Xie Fei Ke Hu 斜飛克虎:
Diagonal Subdue Tiger; Turn Body and Straddle the Tiger.
28. Xie Fei Shi Ao Bu 斜飛式拗步 (Xié Lóu Xī Ào Bù): Oblique brush knee, twist
step; Slant Brush Knee Push Step
29. Xie Fei Shi斜飛式 (xié fēi shì): Oblique
flying; Slant Flying Posture
30. Xie xie 謝謝: Thank you
31. Xie Xing Ao Bu 斜行拗步: Walk
Obliquely in Twist Steps
32. Xie Xing 斜行: Diagonal
Posture;Oblique Posture; Side Walk
and Twist Step; Walking Obliquely
33. Xie 斜: Diagonal, Slant, Oblique
34. Xin jia 新架: New frame.
35. Xin 心: mind, intention; Heart, located at the center
of the chest.
36. Xing 形: shape; Body shape, silhouette, body, outline,
what lends itself to perception; to appear; tendency.
Xing Bu
Chuan Jian行步穿劍 (xíng bù chuān jiàn): Walk forward and thrust the sword
38. Xing Yi 心意拳: Mind Form Boxing, an internal martial art of Chinese origin
characterized by simple, direct body movements, forward, linear motion, and an
emphasis on very strong strikes.
39. Xingyi Quan 形意拳: Same as
Hsing I Ch'uan; Shape of Will Boxing,characterized by straight
lines and abrupt force. Possibly created in the Song Dynasty (960-1280 AD).
Based on ‘Wuxing’ theory.
40. Xinqi xiajiang心氣下降 (xīn qì xià jiàng): Drop
the heart/mind energy [to the dantian]
41. Xishui 洗髓 Marrow Washing: A Chi
Kung method that rejuvenates the bone marrow.
42. Xu 虛 (Xū): False; void; deficiency ; Insubstantial. Empty. Fake. Empty. Humble. Initiating. Dynamic. Uncertainty. Fuzzy. Hypocrisy.
Unsure. Changeable. False.
43. Xu 蓄 (Xù): to
accumulate, to collect, to collect; to feed; let it grow.
44. Xu bu lun pi虚步掄劈 (xū bù lūn pī): Cut with Armswing in Empty
45. Xu Bu Xia Jie
虚步下截 xū bù xià jié: Plunge Sword Downward in Empty Stance
46. Xu Bu Ya Zhang 退步壓掌 (Xu bù yā zhǎng): Press palm in empty stance
47. Xu bu 虛步 (Xū Bù): Empty
stance; the empty step; false
stance; The false stance is used to set
up kicks. First, place all your weight on one leg. Next, set the other leg in
front of the body with only its toes lightly touching the ground. From this
position the false leg can kick without hesitation.
48. Xu Ling Ding Jin 虛靈頂勁 (xū lǐng dǐng jìn): Stand straight and hold the
head and neck naturally erect, with the mind concentrated on the top. Do not
strain or be tense; otherwise, the blood and vital energy cannot
circulate smoothly.
49. Xu Shi 虛實 (Xū Shí): False
and Real; Empty-Full
50. Xu shi fen ming虛實分明 (xū shí fēn míng): Empty
and solid separate clearly
51. Xuan Feng Jiao 旋風腳: Tornado
Kick; Whirlwind Kick; Hurricane
Kick; Tornado Foot
52. Xuan feng tui 旋風腿: Same as Xuan Feng Jiao; Tornado kick or flying
inside crescent kick
53. Xuan Ji Bu玄機步 (Xuán Jī Bù): Same as Xu Bu
54. Xuanzhuan Pingmo旋轉平抹 (xuánzhuǎn píng mǒ): Circle Sword Horizontally
55. Xuanzhuan 旋轉: rotate; to turn about an axis or a center
56. Xubu dian jian虚步點劍 (xū bù diǎn jiàn): Point
Sword in Right Empty Stance