2022年9月24日 星期六

An Invitation to Join the 9th International Coach Seminar 2023

An Invitation to Join the 9th International Coach Seminar 2023


Japanese Version (日文版)

2023 第九回国際級教練(指導員)講習会実施計画


A. General

a.   BasisIn accordance with “The Implementation Plan of  Workshops for National Coaches and

Referees at All Levels” issued by Republic of China Sports Federation and “the

Regulations on Seminars for Coaches and Referees of the World Tai Chi Chuan


b.   Purpose

(a)    To promote and develop the sport of Tai Chi Chuan to all countries in the  


(b)   To enhance the quality of national coaches.

(c)    To advance the skill and knowledge of the International Tai Chi  Chuan Coaches. 

B. Instruction Units

a.   Sports Administration, Ministry of Education.

b.   Republic of China Sports Federation.

c.   The Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee.

C. Organizers

a.   National Tai Chi Chuan Association, Taiwan, R.O.C.

b.   World Tai Chi Chuan Federation.

D. Candidates and the qualifications

a.   R.O.C. citizens who are recommended by the Branch of National Tai Chi Chuan 

Association and have “A” grade or “First” grade coach certificate at least one year and

“A” grade or “First”  grade judge certificate.

b.   Foreigners recommended by member states of World Tai Chi Chuan Federation.

c. The limit of the number of attendees is tentatively set at 80.

E. The dates and place

a.  DatesJanuary 6th-8th (3 days), 2023.

b.  Place3F, No.20, Chulun St., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. 

(The 3F Auditorium of Sports Administration, Ministry of Education)

F. Contents

a.   Physical training.

b.  The basic techniques of Tai Chi exercise.

c.  The rules of exercise.

d.  Tai Chi Chuan techniques.

e.   The sports medicine and nutrition 

f.    The science and theory of exercise.

g.   The sport injury treatment and protection.

h.   Strategy and tactics.

G. Fees

a. R.O.C. Residents and ForeignersNT$6,000 .

b. Refresher training participantsNT$3,000.

c.  The Federation will provide 3-Day lunch, water, one free T-shirt and a banquet on

January 7th (accommodations are not included). If you need accommodation, please let

us know as soon as possible.

d. Prticipants of the International Coach Seminar who qualify for the 5th Duan can apply for

the 5th Duan evaluation and get the certificate for an additional fee  of NT$ 5,000.


Those who want to cancel their registration and apply for a refund, must do so before

December 30. Fees will be refunded minus a 10% administration fee. After the December

30th  deadline, no refund will be provided. 

H. Certification

a.    A certification will be issued by The National Tai Chi Chuan Association, Taiwan, R.O.C.

/ World Tai Chi Chuan Federation upon successful completion of the training.

b.    Attendants who pass the examination will get the International Coach Certificate.

I. Registry

From now till December 23th, 2022.

J. How to Register:

a.   Fill out the registration forms and provide 3 one-inch visa photos; 4 photos if you also

apply for duan appraisal. 

b.  R.O.C. Residents need to submit a copy of A grade or First grade Coach Certificate,

A grade or First grade Judge Certificate and fifth Duan Certificate. Those who do not

have the 5th Duan Certificate should apply for the certificate at the same time.

c.   Foreigners need to submit the copy of their passport.

d.   The registration can be done in person or by mail. The registration fee shall be paid by

remittance, transfer (must attach the receipt of wire transfer) or on-site payment.

The remittance account is as follows:


 Taiwan Area

            Postal transfer account

         Account Number: 00140221 (Please indicate the fee is for international Tai Chi Chuan Coach Seminar)

           Account Name: National Tai Chi Chuan Association, Taiwan, R.O.C.



Bank Address: No. 115, Sung Chiang Road, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China

Bank A/C No.05-000-114160-1    SWIFTBKTWTWTP050

Account NameNational Tai Chi Chuan Association, Taiwan, R.O.C.

Tel:+886-2-2778-3887 Fax:+886-2-2778-3890 E-mail: ct.taichi@msa.hinet.net

e. On-site registration

National Tai Chi Chuan Association, Taiwan R.O.C.

  (Rm. 608, No.20 Chulun ST., Taipei. R.O.C.)



  Contact PersonVivian Lin


Program of The 9th International Coach Seminar

(Down Load)

The 9th International Coach Seminar Registration Form

4 Photos Attached




Birth Date

    Y    M    D





Practice Year


7th, Jan.


□ Non-attend

□ Attend



3-Day Lunch



T-shirt Size

3L 2L XL L M S

5th Duan 


Yes(NT$5,000) NO

Test Event-Form

(The 1st time participator)

(EX: 42-Form/Chen Style 38 Form/Yang Style)

Test Event-Weapon

(For 5th Duan )

(EX: 42-Sword/Tai Chi Kung Fu Fan/ Chen Style Broadsword)


Office:                  Home:

Cell Phone:



Group Name

Experience of practicing Tai Chi Chuan

(such as teaching, contesting awards and relative activities)



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