2022年1月10日 星期一

glossary G

                                     Glossary of Tai Chi Chuan Terms A-Z

太極拳英文詞彙 A-Z

  B     D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M     

O  P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z










































 規則︰ 1. i=不發音  2. y=字首  3. w=字首

 特例︰ 1. ong             2. iong            3. ui              4. ing             5. iu              6. qu     


1.        Gai lan shi 蓋攔式: Cover and block; Cover-block pattern.

2.        Gai (Gài): n. lid; v. cover; affix; to go past; to build. In Taiji Quan, gài means to circulate the Qi in one's own body and to pour it on one's opponent in order to prevent him from moving.

3.        Gang: Hard

4.        Gang rou xiang ji剛柔相濟 (gāng róu xiāng jì): Hardness and softness facilitate each other; Hardness and softness in close succession; Combine firmness with flexibility; Hardness and softness assist each other; Hardness and softness complement each other.

5.        Gao pai aǎ高拍馬 (Gāo pāi mǎ): High pat the horse

6.        Gao Shi 高式:  High Stance or Posture

7.        Gao Tan Ma 高探馬 (Gāo Tàn Mă): High Pat on Horse; Patting the Horse's Back; Tall Scout Horse; Mounted Scout; High-rank scout cavalryman; Step Up to Examine Horse

8.        Gen (Gēn):  root, source, origin; maintaining connection to the ground while redirecting or neutralising an incoming force; sinking the body, the energy into the earth, like roots from a tree growing strong to maintain stability.

9.        Golden Rooster Stands on One Leg Left: Zuo Jin Ji Du Li左金雞獨立 (Zuǒ jīn jī dú lì)   

10.    Golden Rooster Stands on One Leg: Jin Ji Du Li 金雞獨立 (Jīn jī dú lì)

11.    Gon jian bu 弓箭步:  bow and arrow stance

12.    Gōng (Gōng): skill, skill acquired by diligent work; merit, achievement; effect;an achievement or skill from effort, practice, hard work, perseverance and patience.

13.    Gong Bu Beng Jian弓步崩劍 (gōng bù bēng jiàn): Bow stance and tilt sword 

14.    Gong Bu Fan Ci弓步反刺 (gōng bù fǎn cì): Step Forward and Plunge Backward

15.    Gong Bu Gua Pi弓步 (gōng bù guà pī): Cut in Bow Stance 

16.    Gong Bu Pi Jian弓步劈劍 (gōng  bù pī jiàn): Bow stance and chop sword    

17.    Gong Bu Ping Zhan弓步平斬 (gōng bù píng zhǎn): Bow stance and cut horizontally

18.    Gong Bu Xia Ci弓步下刺 (gōng bù xià cì): Bow stance and thrust sword

19.    Gong Bu Xia Ji弓步下截 (gōng bù xià jié): Bow stance and intercept

20.    Gong Bu Xia Xiao 弓步斜削 (gōng bù xuē xiao): Bow stance and cut obliquely

21.    Gong Bu Zhi Ci弓步直刺 (gōng bù zhí cì) : Thrust Forward in Bow Stance

22.    Gong bu 弓步 (Gōng Bù): Bow stance; the step of the bow; same as Gung Chin Mah.

23.    Gong fu (Kung Fu): Exercises increasing strength; Time, workmanship, skill, art, effort; Also Kungfu, Gung Fu; energy/hard work, time/patience; High level of skill sometimes referred to as martial arts.

24.    Gong Fu Guǎn 功夫館: a training place for Chinese martial arts.

25.    Gong Jian Bu 弓箭步: Mountain Climbing Stance or Bow-Arrow Stance// It is the most commonly used offensive stance in taijiquan. First, place one leg forward so that the knee and toes are lined up perpendicularly and the leg as a whole supports 60 percent of the body's weight. The toe of the lead leg is pointing 15 degrees to the inside. The rear leg is firmly set down while supporting the rest of the weight. The knee of the rear leg must be slightly bent in this stance. Keep the upper body perpendicular to the ground.

26.    Gongbu 弓步:Bow Stance;one of the tai chi stances, with the front leg carrying 70% of weight.  Feet are shoulder width apart, with the back foot at 45 degrees.

27.    Gou : Dog

28.    Gou: Hook hand.

29.    Grasp Sparrow's Tail right雀尾 (Yòu Lǎn què wěi)

30.    Grasp the Bird’s Tail: 攬雀尾(Lǎn què wěi)

31.    Green Dragon Emerges from Water: Qin Long Chu Shui 青龍出水

32.    Ground Reaction Force  (GRF): Fan zuo yong li 反作用力--The GRF not only supplies power for the forward, backward, upward, left turn, and right turn movements of the body, but  it also gives power to the waist and legs to move the arms up, to the left, or to the right.

33.    Gu Dang 鼓盪 (Gŭ Dàng): resonating with the surrounding energies; resound or vibrate like a drum; sway, oscillate

34.    Gu Shen 固神 (Gù Shén): to train one's Shen to stay in his residence in order to stabilize and calm the Shen

35.    Gu shu pan gen 古樹盤根: The ancient tree entwines its roots.

36.    Guai mang fan shen 怪蟒翻身: The monstrous serpent turns over ; Monster python turns over.

37.    Guan Chuan貫串: Linking Together

38.    Guan dao關刀: General Guan's Knife-- a halbered-shped knife

39.    Guan Jie Song Kai 關節鬆開 (Guān Jié Sōng Kāi): to open and relax the joints.

40.    Guan : Literally Hall, but in martial arts, it refers specifically to the school or gym where one is instructed in the Chinese Martial Arts.

41.    Guanxing慣性: Inertia

42.    Gui ma 跪馬: Kneeling horse stance

43.    Guided Motion (GM): Dai Dong (帶動)-- In this movement the hands naturally follow the dynamic movement of the body in one direction, at one velocity.

44.    Gun (Kun) : Staff, one of the four traditional tai chi long weapons

45.    Guo Dang 裹襠 (Guŏ Dāng): to wrap the crotch

46.    Guoshu (Kuo Shu)國術: Chinese Martial Arts (lit. National Arts) ; Also Kuoshu. Another word for martial arts, often used by Taiwanese.

47.    Gu (Gù): firm, solid; adv. firmly, resolutely; v. solidify, reinforce.

48.    Gu(Gŭ): bone; frame, carpentry.

49.    Gu (Gù): to look (around), to take care of, to be concerned with; to visit.

50.    Gwan Dao 關刀: A long weapon with a blade attached to the end. It is the weapon of choice for the famous Chinese General name Gwan after which the weapon is named. Usually this weapon is most effective when applied from horseback.



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