Glossary of Tai Chi Chuan Terms A-Z
ㄅ b | ㄆ p | ㄇ m | ㄈf | ㄉ d | ㄊ t | ㄋ n | ㄌ l | ㄍ g | ㄎ k |
ㄏ h | ㄐ j | ㄑ q | ㄒ x | ㄓ zh | ㄔ ch | ㄕ sh | ㄖ r | ㄗ z | ㄘ c |
ㄙ s | ㄚ a | ㄛ o | ㄜ e | ㄝ ye | ㄞ ai | ㄟ ei | ㄠ ao | ㄡ ou | ㄢ an |
ㄣ en | ㄤang | ㄥeng | ㄦ er | ㄧ(y)i | ㄨ(w)u | ㄩ yu |
規則︰ 1. i=不發音 2. y=字首 3. w=字首
特例︰ 1. ong 東 2. iong 雄 3. ui 輝 4. ing 英 5. iu 秋 6. qu 區
Qi 氣: Energy; Breath;
Force; Vital Force; life force;vital energy;breath or breath energy;
circulating bioelectric energy in the human body ;universal energy or the energy
of the body; vital energy which circulates in all living things ;Internal
energy; intrinsic energy which circulates in all living things; Same as Chi
(also chi, ch'i or ki); Same as Chi, or ki (Japanese), prana (Sanskrit), pneuma
(Greek), spiritus (Latin), élan vitale (French)
Qi 起qǐ:Commencing, from
wuji to taiji
Qì chen
dantian氣沉丹田 (qì chén dāntián): Sink
the qi to the dantian
Qi Shi起勢:
Commencing Form;
Qi xing 七星: Seven
Qian deng
tui 前蹬腿: Front heel kick
Qian kun 乾坤: Heaven
and earth. Qian and kun are opposite trigrams of the bagua. Qian is three solid
lines and kun is three broken lines.
Qian Tang
Ao Bu前趟拗步: Walking Forward by Stepping to Both Sides ; Advance Carefully with Twist Steps ; Kick Forward and Twist Step; Forward Twist Step; Wade
Forward and Twist Step on Both Sides
10. Qian Zhao前招: Forward
Trick; Forward Technique ; Front Posture; Roll Forward
11. Qian 前: Front
12. Qian 淺: Light
13. Qian 牽: dragging or pulling
14. Qiang 槍: Spear, a long pole
with a short double-edged blade attached to the end, called
‘King of long weapons’. Also an instrument of finesse, not of force; hence,
similar to the double-edge sword, which is also delicate.
15. Qian牽: Pulling
16. Qigong 氣功 qìgōng: Also Chi
Kung; Energy Work; Vital
energy training; Energy and Breath Training Work; Exercises for
cultivating the Qi; Exercises to increase qi; cultivation of energy; Exercises
to cultivate qi, usually systems of deep breathing techniques; Energy Work
Exercises designed to coordinate, develop and/or increase Chi; A system
or method of working with the bodies energy; A method of training
developed to increase the vital energy; Training that consists of various
static postures and/or callisthenics and is used for martial, health or
meditative purposes; A type of Kung Fu training which specializes in
building up the Chi circulation in the body for health and/or martial
purposes.//There are a number of different types of Qi Gong: Health or
Medical Qi Gong, Vitality or Longevity Qi Gong, Intellectual Qi Gong, Martial
or Warrior Qi Gong and Spiritual Qi Gong. Qi Gong can consist of individual
exercises, or a series of set exercises.
17. Qihai 氣海: sea of energy
18. Qing gong 輕功: Lightness exercise.
19. Qing Long Chu Shui 青龍出水 (Qīnglóng chūshuǐ): Blue
Dragon Flies Up from Water; Blue Dragon
Flying Out of the Water; Green dragon rises from water; Green Dragon Emerges from the Water: Green Dragon Comes Out of the Water
20. Qingling輕靈: Light and
21. Qinna (Chin Na)擒拿: Joint
locking techniques; Seizing and Capturing skills
22. Qishi 起勢: Commencing Posture; Preparation; Beginning
23. Qu Xu Song Kua 屈膝鬆胯 (Qŭ Xĭ Sōng Kuà): Bend the knees and relax the hips
24. Quanfa 拳法: Quanjia Form; Fist Methods; A set of movements
25. Quan拳(quán): Style of Boxing
(lit. Fist); boxing; an empty-hand fighting system; same
as Ch'uan;a form; fist,often used to identify a fighting style.
e.g.:Taijiquan, BaGuaquan, etc.
26. Que Di Long 雀地龍: Dragon
Rolling Downward; Dragon Hacks the Ground;Sparrow Ground
27. Que 雀: Sparrow
28. Qun Lun San昆侖山: A mountain range in Qinghai and Xinjaing Uygur
Zizhiqu renown for martial arts