2022年1月10日 星期一


                         Glossary of Tai Chi Chuan Terms A-Z

太極拳英文詞彙 A-Z

  B     D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M     

O  P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z










































 規則︰ 1. i=不發音  2. y=字首  3. w=字首

 特例︰ 1. ong             2. iong            3. ui              4. ing             5. iu              6. qu     


1.        Raise Hands Above Posture: Raise Hand and Step Up 

3.        Raise Hands and Step Forward 提手上勢 (Tí shǒu shàng shì)

4.        Reaction Motion (RM): Fan dong反動--One part of the body moves as a reaction to a previous action by another part of the body. For example, if you try to push something that is immovable, a reaction force will push you back.

5.        Release of Power: Fa Jing發勁 - The application of power to an opponent.

6.        Ren : Confucian concept of benevolence

7.        Retreat and Carry Sword:Suo shen xie dai 身斜带 (suō shēn xié dài)

8.        Retreat Step Beat the Tiger: Tui Bu Da Hu 退步打虎

9.        Reverse Reeling Forearm:Zuoyou Dao juan gong左右倒卷肱(Zuǒyòu Dào juǎn gong)

10.    Revolve: Zhou Zhuan 軸轉--to move in a curved path round a center or axis; to turn or roll round on an axis

11.    Ri yue 日月: Sun and moon.

12.    Right Heel Kick: You deng jiao右蹬腳 (Yòu dēng jiǎo)

13.    Right Separation Kick: 右分脚 (Yòu fēn jiǎo)

14.    Right Strike Tiger: 右打虎式 (Yòu dǎ hǔ shì)

15.    Rollback: Lv 

16.    Rooting: Stability of stance, a highly trained sense of balance in the face of force.

17.    Rotate Body Away and Strike Fist: Fan Shen Pie Shen Chui 翻身撇身捶

18.    Rotate Body Double Swing Lotus: Fan Shen Shuang Bai Lian翻身雙擺蓮

19.    Róu : supple, flexible, soft; flexibility; Softness

20.    Ru Feng Si Bi如封似閉 (rú fēng sì bì): Apparent Close Up; Appearing to Seal and Close; Withdraw and Seal; Step Back and Block; Apparent Closing Up; As if closing up; Withdraw and Push, as if Closing a Door

21.    Ru shi Di zi 入室弟子: Indoor disciple

22.    Ruan : Soft

23.    Rumen 入門: The point of conscious acknowledgement of entry into a new phase of study.

24.    Ruzhong乳中: Accupoint on the chest, in the 4th intercostal space, at the centre of the nipple, 4 cun lateral to the anterior midline.



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